
Clicking on the 'Documents' tab in the header of the resource will take you to a Browse Documents page. From here, select what interests you from Date Range, Theme, Document Type or Sub-Collection. You can choose as many browse terms as you want from each category. When you have made your selection, click ‘View Documents’. Once you have a list of documents you can continue to refine or change your browse criteria by using the drop-down lists and then clicking ‘View Documents’.

In Search Directories you can find documents by Subject, Author, Recipient, Place Written and People. Simply make your selections and click ‘Search’.

You can also explore the collection in Explore Archive Folders. This is the way in which the documents are grouped into mini-collections in the physical archive; often by theme, person or era.

You can also do a general search in the box in the header of every page.

The documents in American History, 1493-1945 have been carefully indexed using multiple categories. Once you have a list from either browsing or searching, you can refine or change the list by date, theme, document type or sub-collection using the drop-downs.

Browse Documents page with optional criteria


Document list with browse category menu expanded



Archive folders page groups documents by person, event, theme or date










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Previous: What is American History 1493-1945?