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Collection Reference Number GLC02099
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1832 
Title John Tyler to R. F. Graves regarding the tariff bill
Date 13 March 1832
Author Tyler, John (1790-1862)  
Recipient Graves, R. F.  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Written as a Senator from Virginia before passage of the tariff of 1832 which caused South Carolina to "nullify" the law and led to the nullification crisis. The letter is dated "Washington 13. 1832." (The Tariff was passed 14 July 1832.) Tyler encloses a copy of his speech on the tariff bill and regrets that he cannot send copies of Henry Clay's speech. He concludes, "Whether we shall settle the tariff or not remains to be determined. I think a better spirit prevails than at the commencement of the session." Also mentions that the "apportionment Bill passed yesterday to its 3d reading in the Senate." Tipped to a support strip along the left vertical edge.
Subjects Congress  Taxes or Taxation  Commerce  Merchants and Trade  Economics  Government and Civics  Nullification  President  Finance  
People Tyler, John (1790-1862)  Graves, R. F. (fl. 1832)  Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782-1850)  Clay, Henry (1777-1852)  
Place written Washington, D.C.
Theme Government & Politics; Merchants & Commerce; The Presidency; Banking & Economics
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Additional Information Senator Tyler spoke for nearly three days (February 9-11) in favor of reducing the controversial tariff on textiles. His main opponent, Henry Clay, had framed a bill lowering revenue taxes on coffee, tea, and wine in order to divert anti-tariff sentiment. Tyler focused his speech, attacking Clay, on the cost of imported slave clothes, and accused northerners of imperviousness to the desire of southern planters to provide for their slaves. Tyler's optimism expressed in this letter would soon fade as the Tariff of 1832, passed on July 14, retained 50% duties on cottons and woolens, setting the stage for the final florescence of nullification in South Carolina later that year. The Register of Debates in Congress shows that the Apportionment Bill, referenced herein, passed to its third reading in the Senate on March 12, marking this letter as one written on March 13, 1832. While serving in Congress, Tyler reluctantly supported Jackson for President. But he soon joined the states' rights Southerners in Congress and banded with Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and their newly formed Whig party opposing President Jackson. He was instrumental in bringing together John Calhoun and Henry Clay for the compromise tariff of 1833. Tyler served as the 10th President of the United States 1841-1845.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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