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Collection Reference Number GLC03849.08
From Archive Folder Letters to Rufus Lincoln 
Title Incomplete letter from John Hewson to Rufus Lincoln with detailed descriptions of his life after escaping from a British PoW camp
Date ca. 1820
Author Hewson, John (1744-1821)  
Recipient Lincoln, Rufus  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Undated, circa date inferred from other letters in the collection. Note in pencil in different hand says page 13 is the last, but it is missing here. Pages numbered 5-12 so beginning and end of letter are missing. After escaping to New Jersey, probably in October 1778, from a reference in another letter, they went back to pick up their fellow escapees who could not swim and paid their helpers with the canoe they stole. They were forced to keep moving and were helped by farmers who supported the Revolution. Says this took place in Monmouth County where "General How made so many wigs by his ill treatment, that they call'd him the wigg maker." Eventually made his way to Allentown, Pennsylvania. After locals couldn't help them because of their destitute state, they were taken in by a Tory family who felt ashamed to deny them help and put them to bed while they had a ball downstairs. Eventually makes it to Philadelphia, his hometown, and meets up with his family. Says his wife survived as a seamstress and that one of his 5 children had died. The local tailor gave him a suit of clothes to meet his wife in, and told him to pay whenever he could. Relates the stories of some of their acquaintances. Lincoln asked about a Mrs. Kendal in particular, and it seems that Hewson and Lincoln lodged in her home together at some point. Delves into religious topics and includes a discussion of his conversion experience in England at the age of 19. Tells of his first wife, his move to America, the death of his wife in childbirth, and his fidelity to the American cause. Says his military life hardened his heart with sin for six or seven years after his captivity. Describes his rejection of sin at this point in his life.
Subjects Military History  Global History and Civics  Prisoner of War  Soldier's Letter  Revolutionary War  Continental Army  Finance  Maritime  Whigs  Revolutionary War General  Entertaining and Hospitality  Loyalist  Clothing and Accessories  Women's History  Charity and Philanthropy  Death  Children and Family  Religion  Landlord and Tenant  Marriage  Immigration and Migration  Morality and Ethics  
People Lincoln, Rufus (1751-1838)  Hewson, John (1744-1821)  
Theme The American Revolution; Children & Family; Women in American History; Merchants & Commerce; Health & Medicine; Religion
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Additional Information Written by Hewson, a famous textile printer who was a prisoner of war during the Revolution to Lincoln as a former fellow prisoner. Lincoln was from Massachusetts.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859