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Collection Reference Number GLC00267.190
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1852 
Title The electoral vote of Massachusetts can be given to Pierce and King. Address of the Democratic State Committee of Massachusetts on the Presidential Election
Date 1852
Author Williams, W. A. (fl. 1852)  
Additional authors Griswold, Whiting (fl. 1852) Dresser, George A. (fl.1852) Hobart, Aaron (fl. 1852) Mansur, Joseph W. (fl. 1852) Peabody, Josiah G. (fl. 1852) Hamilton, Edward (fl. 1852)
Document Type Pamphlet
Content Description Discusses Democratic party business. Calls to "elect Democratic electors of President and Vice-President of the United States in the Old Bay State." Limits topics exclusively to "the presidential election, and present[s] some reasons why [people should] vote the Democratic ticket. Gives reasons why Pierce would be a better candidate than General Winfield Scott. "Gen. Pierce is a New England man and the first Democratic New England man who was ever placed in nomination for the a New England man - educated in our common schools - familiar with all our habits and industrial pursuits - our commerce - our fisheries - our foreign and domestic interests, he will know how to do justice to all..." Shows how the votes were divided previously as well as estimates the number of votes for this election from the state. Also lists the members of the state Democratic executive committee as the originators of the address. Printed by the Boston Post. Folio sheet folded into octavo size with top edges uncut.
Subjects President  Vice President  Election  Democratic Party  Politics  Government and Civics  
People Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869)  Scott, Winfield (1786-1866)  Williams, W. A. (fl. 1852)  
Place written Boston, Massachusetts
Theme Government & Politics; The Presidency
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Additional Information Williams, Griswold, Dresser, Hobart, Mansur, Peabody, and Hamilton were members of the Executive Committee for the Massachusetts State Democratic Committee.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859