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Field name | Value |
Collection Reference Number | GLC03523.21.25 |
From Archive Folder | Letters to Assistant Surgeon Henry F. McSherry of the U.S. Navy |
Title | Anna McSherry to Henry F. McSherry regarding going to Memphis |
Date | 18 November 1863 or 1864 |
Author | McSherry, Anna (b. 1833) |
Recipient | McSherry, Henry F. |
Document Type | Correspondence |
Content Description | Written by Anna to to her brother Henry. Saw by two previous letters that he was in Baltimore and Washington and was sorry he could not come up to visit the family. Asks to be kept informed of his movements. She knows Henry is eventually going to Memphis and she will send letters there. Is sorry he can't stop in St. Louis or Knoxville. Tells him that "I am afraid Memphis is a place of no intrest as to socialty or locality and you will have to look to other cities perhaps for your pleasantri[e]s [and] associations, but it is so much better than going to sea that I am inclined to look in the Memphis orders with great favor." Goes on to give him advice on what a lady thinks is gentleman-like. Makes reference to a horse their father is trying to have broken in. Tells him about a Major Corgain(?) who has a sick boy of three years old and cannot get an extended leave. Updates him on friends, neighbors, and family. |
Subjects | Surgeon Civil War Military History Union Forces Navy Woman Author Women's History Children and Family Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Health and Medical |
People | McSherry, Anna (b. 1833) McSherry, Henry F. (b. 1837) |
Place written | Martinsburg, West Virginia |
Theme | The American Civil War; Naval & Maritime |
Sub-collection | Papers and Images of the American Civil War |
Copyright | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History |
Module | Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945 |
Civil War: Recipient Relationship | Sister |
Civil War: Theater of War | Main Eastern Theater |