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The Livingston Family Papers [024] 1698
Alida Livingston to Robert Livingston [in Dutch]
28 March 1698
Livingston, Alida Schuyler (1656-1729)
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After briefly mentioning the difficulties of finding a tenant, Alida talks about water damage to land and subsequent repair. Docketed on address leaf.
Woman Author Women's History Children and Family Land Transaction Disaster
Livingston, Alida Schuyler (1656-1729) Livingston, Robert (1654-1728)
Place written
Albany, New York
Women in American History; Children & Family
The Livingston Family Papers
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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My dear husband
Our Johannes has returned from Roelef Janse kil and there is again great damage in Schipper’s land 2 more kils broke through it so you will be forced to have the land cleaned there was such a high water as there was never before I am afraid now that we will not get a tenant Robbert Teunesse has xxx talked with me and would take a look there and would let me know in fourteen days whether he wants to have it or not so now I wait for his decision there is a kil broken through to the other kil and runs all the way to the land in back and Dirk Wessel’s land there a kil also broke through and did much damage Johannes goes with Dick Hil and Moures to Karel’s to plant an orchard and to prune Jan the Indian was busy pulling up the orchard and the old Indian to clear the road I will get them engaged to clear out some land at Schipper’s when you come by the time you come to accord with them Schipper said he does not know that there should be a good sufficient fence so that we should have good people there to see to the fence I hope with God that milord has arrived Your loving wife Alida Livinghston
that you may have an end from your enemies here is news that Nickels has arrived from England they will lack cloverseed here at Tachkanick there has not been any high water at Klaverack great damage in the land and at the Kinderhoek great damage from the water and lots of land disappeared Hanssoms yacht was moored and will now at the soonest good wind come up