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The Livingston Family Papers [037] August-December 1711
Alida Livingston to Robert Livingston: [in Dutch]
3 September 1711
Livingston, Alida Schuyler (1656-1729)
Livingston, Robert
Document Type
Woman Author Women's History Finance Merchants and Trade Commerce
Livingston, Robert (1654-1728) Livingston, Alida Schuyler (1656-1729)
Place written
Manor of Livingston, New York
Merchants & Commerce; Women in American History
The Livingston Family Papers
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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My dear husband
I have written you with the Boston yacht there is absolutely no paper here you should bring along 2 reams rough and one ream fine 2 dozen fur needles I send you 4-5 leather skins weigh 65 lb. and was 30 lb. please sell them and the beaver and bear skins and pelts sell these which are at deLancey’s I think these skins will quite get 7 guilders the lb. for they are already summer skins tobacco and rum yesterday I paid Pietermeese he wanted to have steel gray fine cloth and .....(konbe) and of those woollen bedspreads and red....(Konbeerse) thick white and striped.....(konbeerse) you have the list and yet a beautiful color but not white colored cloth it saddens me very much the brewery for the grain has a lot of wet weather that we can not do the harvesting and not thresh and there is a lot of work to be done here with this commend you to the xx Lord We don’t have a needle to sew with let Robbert and Naetje come up if Robbert has time or else the painter can do it we are sending Naetje’s small case off with clean linen
79. Here is but a ......from you/at present you should look at/after your linens leave the key(s) of the chest in your wigbox send it up at the manor of Livingston the bailiff holds Hilleghart there are executions on her how we will get our money from her I don’t know and thus we slave for xxxx xxxx those here if you can not come yourself then give orders to get it out of her hands September 3, 1711 one ounce black silk or 2 Naetjes key to her trunk the skins are in a bag the laundry in a small skin